Personal Statement

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School is definitely one of my main priorities. I have tried to go to school in the past and have not had much luck as far as staying motivated throughout the process. For a personal obstacle that I have overcome would be not to be selfish. I have a little boy and I am a big part of his life and I need to go to school to make a better life for us and set an example of what he needs to do in the future. For a professional obstacle, I think it would be to encourage myself to stay focused knowing that college will only increase the business and not take from it. I feel like I always have pictured school as taking away from my opportunity to grow and I need to focus on it as being a huge part in making the business grow rather than taking away from it. An academic obstacle would have to be when things get hard I give up. I need to work harder to understand material rather than being lazy and give up. My overall goal to keep my focused throughout this process is to use my motivation which is my child. That is the big difference from when I attended school a few years ago and where I am today. Kids definitely keep you motivated to want better for your family. …show more content…

I always look at my ‘why’ when doing things. My main reason for going back to school is to make a better and more comfortable life for me and my son. Also I would be the second person in my family to graduate college, but I think that is more a perk then a motivator. I know that school and work are my two top priorities because of my son. I need to be a good role model and show him that you need to work hard in order to succeed and I need to have the finances to support our family needs. I think when people find their reason for doing something then prioritizing should be the easiest part of the