Personal Statement

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As an African American woman of a multicultural environment, I have been able to experience and have been exposed to some of the worlds’ most beautiful and diverse cultures and traditions. This is one of the reasons why I decided to pursue my career in international business and eventually seek a long-term job with your firm. I am interested in a career involving the coordination of human material resources and an exchange of culture between two companies as well as countires. I know the value the company upholds is similar and matches my values and beliefs. Things such as diversity and mutual understanding between an employer and an employee is something that I as an individual value the most when looking for a job. As a bilingual individual, …show more content…

This work chance has given me many opportunity to meet and network with many different individuals including Ian Charles who is the president for the Network of International Business Schools(NIBS) and countless many other people who have been working at the International business field for a very long time. Being able to interact and talk with individuals like this has made me dig deeply into my passion and give me an idea of what I will be working as an international sales representative. In addition, I was fortunate enough to develop business relationships with officials from different places including Arizona, India, Ethiopia and here in San …show more content…

Mary’s University, I have had countless opportunities where I was able to showcase my skills as well as network and meet other individuals who have had experience in the field I am studying. When it comes to threats, there are a couple considering the society we live in is biased. For one, I am a woman and a woman of color at that. The business field being run dominantly by men has its own setbacks for a person like me. My gender could be used against me and my race brings up stereotypical issues. Nevertheless, this does not define my capabilities and how far I can reach. I believe in changing my threats to opportunities and hopefully learn, educate and spread the importance of perseverance to the rest of the

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