Personal Statement

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University of Pennsylvania is an intercultural and inclusive university. Since i enjoy volunteering, UPenn offers a commuting student service and community outreach programs. It has academic excellence that will strengthen me to strive to be a better person. I participated in the IB program in my high school year and i pushed myself to never give up. UPenn openly encourages such breadth of study. I know a college experience at UPenn will prove challenging, I look forward to a fulfilling four years of hard work. Being in a IB program in my high school year i see how difficult higher level education is, and how much i struggle each day to do well in school. I have been molded into the person I am today by the standards instilled in me by my …show more content…

That is something I yearn for and I believe UPenn is the place to really help me define who Jessica Varghese is. I have achieved so much in my seventeen years of life but the next four years of my college life is what really puts me on the map and throughout life. UPenn has so much to offer, that I am willing to accept it and let it be able to guide me and strengthen me. Since participating in the IB program I developed the strength to work hard, and never give up no matter how hard it gets. I know that there are dedicated teachers and scholars, to guide us. I have found that UPenn has always stood out in my search for the perfect university because I know it will be my next home where I can grow. . I know that That is the University that I see myself in for the next four years, because I want to be that person that makes a change for the better. This environment at Hofstra University, that emphasizes real world applications and interaction among peers, while promoting individual responsibility and initiative, fits my learning approach. Hofstra University openly encourages such breadth of study. With so many new doors to open, I know a college experience at UPenn will prove

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