Personal Statement: A Career In Education

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A career in the educational field is especially rewarding, not only for the students but for the individuals who teach them. Educators today are more than just people constructing lesson plans and grading classroom assignments. Being a teacher comes with many challenges but in all the benefits you, as the teacher, receive make everything worth it in the end when you see your students succeed and achieve their goals. I want to become a teacher because I look forward to a refreshing environment, to inspire students, and to ultimately have an impact on the future.
As an educator I understand that some days are strenuous and trying but the lively and youthful personalities of the students can uplift and carry your mood throughout the day. Not to mention the energy of the students alone can also leave teachers feeling young at heart for the entirety of an educators career. Furthermore in class you can expect an educators career to never be dull and lifeless but bright and full of life with all the different personalities they …show more content…

Students should be pushed to go after their career goals, and teachers can give them confidence to find what they are passionate about and go after it. Along with inspiring students to achieve their academic goals, educators can inspire their students personally as well. Teachers can encourage their students to continue on the straight and narrow path, instilling in their students the moral values and knowledge they would need as they go throughout life . Few students understand the joy and importance of learning because, possibly, at home their parents are not encouraging their children to reach their full potential. Educators can be the ones to inspire these students that lack encouragement and confidence that they can achieve any goal they set their minds to, as long as they have determination and confidence in themselves to accomplish