Personal Statement

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As Charles Darwin said, “It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent, but the ones most responsive to change.” I feel that in a world where the markets are changing rapidly, we need to be able to adapt and grab a hold of opportunities that come our way.
Throughout high school I have thoroughly enjoyed studying Business Studies as it has enabled me to understand how different organizations work.

Although I understand the importance of looking at l organisations in the UK economy, they are not the only business in our markets. I would like to be able to look at businesses worldwide which is something I have been unable to do at school.
I have particularly taken an interest in global entrepreneurship and global small businesses. I chose to read Entrepreneur Revolution by Daniel Priestley as it relates to the entrepreneurship, which is a topic I find intriguing. After reading this book, my mindset has most certainly changed as throughout the book, Priestley challenges the strategies a typical small …show more content…

I am not sure what career I want to pursue however a degree in International Business will open many doors for me.
I have recently participated in the BEAMER society, which has given me an insight into the possible degrees and careers I could pursue. Here, I have been able to expand my knowledge in areas such as economics and business through this society, I have been able to acquire the knowledge of different degree options available to me and I have become more informed about different universities.
During high school I was also an anti-bullying ambassador, this introduced me to teamwork as I would have to work with other ambassadors in doing what is best for others. I found this role very fulfilling as I was able to help the students overcome their

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