Personal Statement

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Over my years of going to camp I have had many councilors all with different styles, and personalities, but they all had one major theme in common, they were there for the kids and nothing else. They put aside their own interests, and needs to take care of the children who attend camp. They forego better paying jobs because they love the children. This is what a councilor is, someone who puts his or her own needs aside to help a child, and make them feel outstanding. I believe that I have the qualities needed to be a stellar councilor. I have always been good with children as I have three younger siblings, and I have grown up being an in house babysitter. We always have the best of times together as I understand what children like to …show more content…

Helping others is one of the most important things in my life, I feel a calling to assist others in any way I can. My openness to new ideas helps me to adapt to new situations, and become a better person. My unwillingness to give up in a situation is my biggest challenge. When I get an idea in my head that I believe can benefit others, I will stop at nothing to make this a possibility, even if the situation may seem hopeless. However, I am always open to new ideas, and believe that others have great ideas to contribute in any …show more content…

The thing I would learn from being a councilor in training, would teach me how to handle new situations, and how to work with all age groups. In addition to this, I feel the need to give back to the wonderful community of Joslin, which has already taught me so much. I also feel that this presents a fantastic opportunity for me to start working with others, and to take a leadership role to prepare me for life. I consider myself to be a good role model for others. I understand that younger children will mirror everything I do, and that I need to be the best person I can be all the time around kids. Also making the right choices in life is a defining key of whom I am. I have never thought of doing drugs or drinking alcohol in my life, and not many kids can say that now of days. Lastly, I’m a very good person to others, and I believe if kids see that they will be good to others as well setting of a chain reaction in the