Personal Statement: Pursuing A College Degree In Advertising

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I would like to start this introduction by giving some background of myself. I was born and raised in Brownsville, Texas, minutes from the Mexico-US border. I come from a loving family and a predominantly Hispanic community with rich Mexican culture. As a teenager my educational interest involved pursuing a college degree in a sector of creative advertising. In particular, I was seeking creative design careers, as I have always practiced art. I have experience in drawing, sculpture, relief and screen printing, lithography, and digital design. I preferably spend all of my free time listening, studying and creating music. I left my hometown when I was accepted to Texas State University and attended my first semester in Fall 2015 in San Marcos, Texas. At Texas State I have …show more content…

I was first introduced to the role of an account planner for an advertising agency. I was taught different research methods and ways of developing insights to consumer habits. I found the most satisfaction in crafting the creative brief and being responsible for making sure the big ideas that are pitched to creatives are coherent and effective. I helped create several group projects and a couple individual projects that gave me an understanding of what it means to create content for a real brand. I found the role of a media planner interesting because they are accountable for making sure research helps decide who, what, when, where and why an ad gets placed. I created a complete media flight plan with a group for an entire semester on an automotive brand. The advertising courses I most enjoyed covered the role of a layout and copywriter. I completed several independent assignments where I created print, commercial, radio and campaign style advertisements. Other courses I have completed have broadened my perspective for the ad industry to pay attention to sociological connection to