Personal Statement: Pursuing A Degree In Computer Science

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Whenever I was asked "What do you want to be when you grow up?" as a child, I always answered "A teacher!" As I grew up, I continued to be interested in teaching. I taught my sister and her friend how to read Dr. Seuss books while they were in Kindergarten. Whenever we played school I was the teacher. In high school I participated in the P.A.S.S program where I mentored a first grader. We would do craft projects and I'd help her with her homework, or we'd study her vocabulary and spelling words. However, I ultimately pursued a degree in Computer Science. I have always enjoyed science and technology. I wanted to learn how things work. My degree enabled me to start a career in I.T. I found the work challenging and rewarding. My teams always worked together to teach and help each other through difficult cases. Eventually, I became a Team Lead. I really enjoy this position because I play an important role in training our new hires. We teach them how to provide phone assistance to various clients and how to troubleshoot common issues multiple ways. Once …show more content…

I had struggled through a homework assignment and ultimately turned it in on time. When our teacher returned the graded homework, I didn't get a paper back. I spoke with my teacher and she explained I hadn't turned the homework in. I talked with my parents and they remembered helping me with this particular assignment. My mother worked with the teacher after school one day to search through the piles of papers on her desk and eventually found my assignment. My teacher had placed it in the wrong pile. This experience taught me that I needed to be well organized to ensure my work is completed in a timely manner and can easily be accessed for future reference. Being organized has helped me figure out ways to work more efficiently. This enables me to complete work quickly. Deadlines are easily met when I apply my organizational

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