Personal Statement: Why I Love About STEM

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What do you love about STEM? I like stem because it gives me the feeling of being someone that matters in the society that we live in today. STEM pushes me to think farther into the future to figure out a problem. Like in forensic science, it makes me want to figure out what happened in order to help the government. I also like STEM because it gives children the feel of being a real engineer. It allows children to feel what an actual engineer would go through if they were in that exact situation. What STEMulates your mind? What stimulates my imagination is knowing that I could make a difference. Every since I was little I have always wanted to make a difference. Whether it involved helping animals or helping feed homeless people. STEM helps people explore the impact that they have on the world. it helped me explore the impact i made on the world. Something that also stimulates my mind is athletics and and dance. These activities keep me going throughout the day because they give me a chance to control my emotions. It’ll let me put all my feeling into the dance or be aggressive on the basketball court. …show more content…

Some fun things I have experienced with stem are working as a group to design a project. I like this because instead of just having one opinion on something you have two or three opinions on something. Collective criticism is one of the most important parts in Stem. It shows students how they would have to respond to criticism in the real world. Also everyone has an important part in the group so it makes it easier for the project to get done also it makes sure that not only one person is doing all the work. Do you like forensic