Personal Statements Of The National Honor Society

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The National Honor Society brings beneficial opportunities to every student, and by being in cabinet I believe I will make full use of this privilege and gain knowledge of leadership essential for my future career. By running for Treasurer, I believe I would be able to utilize my previous experience as Vice President for an environmental club at my old school and introduce a different perspective with new strategies to ensure the success of the NHS. Due to my old position, I am knowledgeable in financial management and have developed organizational skills necessary for the position of Treasurer. Additionally, volunteering is something I greatly value and enjoy, and through the NHS I hope to find different opportunities for success in this field. …show more content…

I find great value in not only helping my own development, but also the development of others. The kids I worked with were genuinely kind, and seeing them learn and grow about the world and people around them because of my guidance and leadership was very rewarding. Moreover, I believe a part of the problem in LA with students is involvement in organizations. The ability to volunteer is offered at the NHS, and is very important and valuable, however I believe it is essential to be fully involved in the organisation to ensure the full potential of students in the NHS. By providing their opinion on matters regarding the NHS, such as which organisations to connect with, it allows students to achieve their full understanding of leadership and how the NHS truly works. By using apps like Remind to connect leaders with members, and consistent Google classroom posts, the NHS club will become more accessible and active in students' academic lives. Students in LA often don’t feel connected to other parts of the city, especially students in La Canada, where public transportation is