Personal Wellness Inventory Paper

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Personal Wellness Inventory
When providing care for others, it is crucial for one to realize the importance of personal health. One’s emotional, spiritual, and physical health must come as a priority in order to ensure that proper care can be provided. If the caregiver does not recognize their own health needs, inevitable they become the patient themselves, seeking assistance. A job of a caregiver is never ending; it requires the upmost compassion and respect while still being able to make medical decisions that ultimately effect the patient. Thus, becoming burnt-out or overwhelmed in the position of a caregiver can be very easy. In this paper, the emotional inventory and burnout inventory will be reflected upon, a plan to combat …show more content…

I find this to be very true as I make an effort to accept people for who they are. I do not expect people to give me anything rather, I want to be there to help them in life. This inventory also stated that I take responsibility for my actions. Personally, I find myself to be a very independent person; therefore, if I have done something wrong I will openly admit to it ensuring that I go out of my way to correct the mistake. I pride myself on making sure to take responsibility as I know that in times of my mistakes, I might not be honoring God. However, by fixing the problem and asking for forgiveness, I know that God accepts me. The next description of an emotional adult states that I a free of being critical and judgmental, which I find myself to be lacking in this area. I will admit, I can be quick to judge people especially when meeting for the first time. This is something that I am working on correcting as I know that I should not be the one to judge individuals, as everyone answers to …show more content…

However, there is always an area for improvement. In order to grow spiritually, I feel that I could take more time out of each day to center myself one-on-one with God. This could include, setting aside 30 minutes after lunch to do devotions and prayer. Not only will this help me grow spiritually, but this will aid in my plan of combating burnout. Next, I feel that in many ways I let my school schedule overcome my church involvement. At times, I am unable to attend church due to studying for an exam or homework. I will make more of an effort to work further ahead so that this does not happen. This will not only allow me to center myself around God but also immerse myself in the life of fellow Christians. Finally, my last improvement will be to work on not being judgmental as this was the area I scored low in during the