Persuasive Essay Abortion

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Persuasive Essay - Legalise Abortion
Abortion is a topic bound to spark discussion or debate whenever brought up. The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines an abortion as a termination of a pregnancy, either by medical means or surgical means. Although some assume the reasons for an abortion are unjustified, they should be legalised because more women will seek out abortions in possibly unsafe situations if they are illegal and it is a woman’s right to decide, not anyone else’s.
Some people assume that women get abortions for unjustified reasons. They believe this because there is a misrepresentation of reasons women get abortions. In reality, women get abortions for many reasons, some of which include health risks, unviability, or a lack of future plans. A woman who is pregnant might get an abortion because the fetus poses a risk to her health to the point where the woman will not survive if the baby is brought to term. Other women find a need for abortion in the fact that …show more content…

According to the New York Times, Google searches for “‘how to self-abort’” and variations of it have spiked, with around 700,000 searches in 2015 ( Above these searches, actually methods of self-abortion are worse; as documented by the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI), women have used methods including “drinking toxic fluids . . . inserting [harmful substances] in the vagina . . . [or] placing foreign bodies . . . in the uterus” ( According to the New York Times, more interest self-abortions occur in states where there are more legal restrictions, and the ratio of searches for abortion clinics to actual abortion procedures is not very equal, ranging 3.4 million searches to one million procedures ( If this is happening while abortion is still technically legal, the outcome if abortion is illegal can only be

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