Persuasive Essay Abortion

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A women should be able to have the option to have an abortion if it is her desion.No one should place their oppions on another person or tell another person what they can or can not do with their body. Abortions provide help to rape victims along with women who can not afford or care for a child. Even if a womens reason is just because she does not want a child she should have the option of abortion. Having abortion be illeagl can lead to unsafe aboortions which are a dangerous to a womens life. Abortions being legal give women options , can help thier mental health and could even save their lives since some women are uncable of childbirth.

Ideally having an abortion would be a provided healthy procedure which would ensure a woman's safety. …show more content…

Without leaglized aboriton women would be forced to have their rapists child whch would effect ones mental health because of the trauma involved. Not only the women involved are effected a child that was born due to rape also face mental health issues. Child born of rape are more likley to suffer from depression and axiety.Another issues contected with a pregancy due to rape is the child offten devlop a bad relationship with the mother, often mothers who had given birth to a child from rape lack the abilty to care for the child or from a loving bond. Reported from the center of diesease control and prevntion 32,000 prgeancies are resulted from rape. Not only are the effects after birth but before many rape vistims take anti-depreesents which can harm thefetus becuase the stress affects development. A women should have the option to legally have an abortion especaily after rape it is her choice wether she should have to carry the baby to term or not. Abortions should also be leagly aviable for women because for examlple shes not capable of taking care of a child finclaly or physcially. Too many chilren are being negclected or raised in poor conditons due to fiances or issues among the parents. Some people would agure adoption is a good choice for women who can not take care of a child but 400,000 children are in the US adoption programs. While asia has the highest number of orhaned children with the