Why We Should Abortion Be Illegal

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Abortion Should Not Be Illegal

For many years, abortion has been an important media topic and people with different backgrounds have different opinions about it. Although abortion is legal in certain places, it still raises many debates on the right to ending a human life. It is understandable that some people share that view based on religious beliefs. My point of view is that it should be a legalised procedure for many reasons, such as: to ensure the safety of women, respect women's individual choice wether to keep the baby or not and, where pregnancy is the result of a crime. The following arguments will show my support for legal abortion.

Women’s right to safe, legal abortion: Making abortion illegal does not stop women from getting them. …show more content…

When it comes to pregnant women, they should be allowed to decide wether or not they want to keep the baby. Taking care of a child is not easy to do. You should have the financial stability, a good relashionship, an emotional commitment and should be mature enough. If the person is not ready to have a child, the child may grow to be unloved and uncared and that is worst than having an abortion in my opinion. Women should not be called murderers if they wish to end their pregnancy. A fetus is not scientifacally or legally a human being so abortion should not be linked to a murder since the fetus is not actually alive. People who view women as murderers is because of their religious views. As for teenage pregnancy, they are often not ready to take the responsibilty of raising a baby. Should a teenager be faced with the possiblity of being uneducated, jobless and be dependent on someone. In the case of teenage pregnancy, they will have to stop going to school and give up on their dreams. This would also increase the level of pauverty. Teenagers should not be forced to having a baby because they accidently got pregnant. Women should choose what they want to endure both mentally and physically. If women are not ready for a baby why would they have too. In some cases, these babies will be given up for adoption. Many foster homes and orphanages are already beyond …show more content…

Women who are victims of sexual assault and become pregnant should not be forced to give birth to a baby that comes from a criminal act. It is immoral to expect women to carry an unwanted pregnancy, even worse if it is from a rape crime. Should these women re-live the rape over and over again and be constantly reminded of the rape they experienced. If women are forced to have the baby, they end up with an unwanted kid. Studies show that unwanted kids are often neglected and abused from their mothers. When they grow up these kids are often in trouble with the

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