Persuasive Essay About Year-Round School

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The school day becoming longer, a student’s worst nightmare, being stuck with the teacher whose class you dread to go to every day. However, it might help students not only improve grades but achieve more than they could've before. In a couple states, studies have shown that increasing the school day’s length by no more than twenty-five percent has resulted in a test score improvement of over five percent. In other schools adding a mere 90 minutes to the school, day length meant that many were improving drastically. In Massachusetts schools that have added a thirty percent increase in the school day length have not only improved faster than most other schools in the state, but have also lessened the achievement gap in math by 2.5%, science by 15%, and in language arts by a whopping 35%. More importantly, other countries are …show more content…

Some of the other reasons this happens aside from the fact that Japan has year-round school is that they have fewer breaks and more time whereas we have more breaks and less time. All of these things add up to the fact that our scores in reading, math, and science are 500, 487, 502. South Korea’s are 539, 546, and 538. All of these scores are out of 550. That is almost a forty percent difference in every single category. However, there are only 24 hours in a day, the school already takes up about 8 hours on top of the fact that every kid should get around 10 hours of sleep, which means kids only have 6 hours to do anything else they want to do. If school time increases, then it lessens the time that kids get to spend in the other categories. That may be true, but if kids had longer school days than they would have to worry less about school. There is also a massive amount of time wasted at school when students could be doing other things like their school work or homework. There is an easier way to fix that problem of students eating