
Should DGS Switch To A Four-Day School Week With Longer School Hours?

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Should DGS switch to a four-day school week with longer school hours?
Have you ever thought of having a longer weekend? Sometimes, schools make us feel tired after a whole week of learning in a five-day school week. Some people might think that a four-day school week is better, but I don’t agree on that. A five-day school week definitely has more benefits for students than having a four-day school week.
To start with, switching to a four-day school week with longer school hours would make students feel more tired instead. As school hours are longer, students would have to concentrate for a longer period of time in class each day. School hours are extended, so some students may need to get up earlier to arrive school punctually, leading to students having less time for rest. Students now would stay longer at school, which means they would have less time afterschool to revise or rest. Extending the normal school hours may furthermore cause the students to lack motivation to learnt due to being tired every day. …show more content…

Putting the teaching schedule of five days into four days, more topics will be covered in a day, which some students may struggle to follow with the teaching schedule, as they would have to move on to another topic immediately without understanding it deeply. Also, if students miss a day of school, they would have missed a lot of topics taught in one day, and find it hard to catch up with the rest of the class. Not only would students find it hard to learn, teachers would also find it difficult to teach in faster way, especially in topics that are harder and require more time to

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