
Persuasive Essay Against Animal Testing

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Thanks to animal testing, people do not need to worry about the safety of the products that they are using. However, not without its drawbacks, it is undeniably a controversial ethical issue. Whether or not to call off the animal testing is questionable. Both sides got their own sakes, but the use of animal testing is not conscientious due to the reasons of animals’ right, unnecessary of using animals, and inaccurate test results.

Animals' right is the first things on the to-do list when considering putting a halt to animal testing. Using animals in medical testing is one of the most common usages. Since the animals did not hold any diseases, injecting virus to the animals is the first step toward the tests, the chance of success is unforeseeable and many testers, unfortunately, become victims. Putting them in peril and strangling their freedom is not an experiment but maltreatment. The animals are not born for the tests, it is not their responsibilities to sacrifice for the selfish humans. …show more content…

People had an illusion for decades that only through conducting animal testing can we figure out the results whereas there are a lot of alternatives that bring about the tantamount results. For instance, in vitro test by using test tube, artificial skin or cells test, and human test which eventually will be used before the product release, in fact, they already have been adopting in tests. According to the news “L'Oreal to start 3D-printing skin”(2015, May19), L'Oreal, the French makeup company, are forging skins using the cells collected from the plastic surgery patients, and they are going to use those "skins" in product tests. L'Oreal regarded this technology as boundless, these decent substitutes are burgeoning and soon be extensive. The evolutions of alternatives show that the animal testing is not necessary and relinquishing the animal tests is a step to uproot the

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