
Persuasive Essay Against Animal Testing

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Testing on animals for medicinal research purposes should be illegal because it is inhumane and not morally justified. Every year, over one-hundred million animals are used for medical research in the United States alone, yet the United States is still forty-ninth in the world for life expectancy. Mice, rats, frogs, dogs, cats, rabbits, hamsters, guinea pigs, monkeys, fish, and birds all go through horrendus pain for one medication that may or may not work. Even if humans and animals have a similar genetic structure, they are still two entirely different species and relying on one to help with the other is not ideal. Animal testing drains billions of dollars that could be put to other uses, so is it really worth it? When animals are put through the intense trials needed to analyze a medication, they are not …show more content…

“Taking a healthy being from a completely different species, artificially inducing a condition that he or she would never normally contract, keeping him or her in an unnatural and distressful environment, and trying to apply the results to naturally occurring diseases in human beings is dubious at best,” (Animal Testing is Bad Science, PETA). There have been medications that were tested on animals, which did not turn out well for humans. According to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), “ninety-two percent of all drugs that are shown to be safe and effective in animal tests fail in human trials because they don't work or are dangerous. And of the small percentage that are approved for human use, half are relabeled because of side effects that were not identified in animal tests,” (Animal Testing is Bad Science, PETA). Former National Cancer Institute Director Dr. Richard Klausner stated, “We have cured mice of cancer for decades, and it simply didn’t work in humans,” (Cancer-Cure Story Raises New Questions, Marlene

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