Persuasive Essay Against Animal Testing

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Everyday in the United States animals are burned, cut, injected or put through series of painful tests, because people believe “animals don’t feel pain the same way we do.” Due to animal experimentation scientists today are able to gather further knowledge on how the body works, and the safety of products and new ways to cure disease. With the downfall of animal cruelty.Animal experimentation is useful for several great reasons, but all of the pain and suffering put onto the animals becomes questionable to if it's really worth it.
Animals have been used in study for over 400 years, starting from the simple studies of how blood circulates, to the cure or better understanding of the disease at the time. Several greek physicians in 384-322 BC were known to inflict the pain during their experiments on living creatures, because they didn't have access to anesthetics or effective pain killers during that time period. MTB (mycobacterium tuberculosis) was a large spread disease that killed nearly a quarter of the population of undeveloped countries. Over the years the experiments become less brutal since we have the advanced medicines and technology. Usually the typical experiments ran on animals are for testing toxicity, …show more content…

When new illnesses are introduced, people get sick and die. Scientist are in a race against time to find the cure to keep more poeple from getting infected and killing more people off. In order for them to find the cure the must do sever experiments one animals befor they can test it on people. For example if someone were to catch a new, never before seen illness that has never been treated before, we would need to run multiple expeiments on another living creature with the same tissues and living compound, to test the initial reaction of the new drug.If the animal were to perish from the product, it would be one step closer to a cure and one human life saved from the accidents of