Persuasive Essay Against Animal Testing

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Every year, millions of animals suffer and even die in painful tests for the research of science. Animals have been used to test a wide variety of products ranging from simple, everyday products such as detergents and soaps, to more complicated and dangerous medical treatments. Although animal testing has helped develop vaccines for diseases like polio and malaria, it’s a horrific and completely inhumane. Sentencing an animal to a life of terror and excruciating pain is cruel and unnecessary since theirs hundreds of alternative methods that can easily replace animal testing including computer models, cloned human skin cells and human volunteers. Why do we think humans are more important than hamsters or mice? We’ve decided as a race that we are supreme and important and have the right to take whatever we like from the planet since we’re ‘in charge’. Certainly, we’re the dominant race of the planet. We’ve created huge machines and buildings and have protected ourselves for thousands of years but does that excuses us from the horrific, terrible and damn right vile experiments hundreds of innocent animals are going through every day. …show more content…

They react differently to drugs than humans do because less that 2% of the human illnesses are ever seen in them. A reaction of a mouse is no guide to the reaction of a human being, even with the basic physiology between the two animals, yet up to 90% of the testings are performed on rodents. Primates, such as chimpanzees, share as much as 99% of their genes with humans making them perfect candidates for medical research. Still, as much as half the drugs that have been approved in the US and UK after animal testing had to be withdrawn because of harmful