
Persuasive Essay Against Animal Testing

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Those of us who have animals know the importance of the warmth and comfort they give to us in times of need. They are there to sooth our bad days and to bring an added sense of joy on the days we have to celebrate. It is scientifically proven that having one or more animal friend can reduce depression,anxiety,and even sooth PTSD,so if animals are that important to mankind, why are they still standing for the injustice of animal cruelty. We see the spca ads on the tv, yet we turn the channel. Why? Possibly because it pulls at the heartstrings and brings forth that sense of sadness everyone tries not to show.
If you close your eyes you can see your dog running in the backyard, your cat lazily stretched on a sunny patch of the floor, or birds outside your window announcing that spring has begun. Now imagine these same animals in a testing lab locked in cages for hours on end. There is nowhere to run and play,nowhere to stretch in the warmth of the su, nowhere to fly because their wings have been clipped.In the article “ Against Animal Testing” by Dr.Ray greek, he states that, Animals do not suffer from …show more content…

It is a proven fact that animals have most of the same body functions as humans do.Dr. Ray Greek states, “open up a rat,pig,dog and a human and you will find much the same terrain,but with many intricate differences" (1). Some people say that scientist do test and other stuff on animals so that they know what is good for humans, like medicine and stuff like that, but if you think about it, its saying they do this test to make sure it's safe for humans.So that means that animals are some what like humans. Scientist who do these kinds of test on animals are hurting them physically and mentally. What if that was you? Nobody cares that animals are getting hurt for things like makeup ,clothes and other stuff, but i do and i think it is

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