Persuasive Essay: College Should Not Be Free For Everyone

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College Should Not Be Free for Everyone
Do you think that college is too expensive to be giving away for free? People who don’t even go to college must pay for those who go for free. It would cost us over $30,000 just to send one person to a decent college. If college would be free for everyone, then nobody would be able to go. “The cost of college education today is so high that many young people are giving up their dream of going to college, while many others are graduating deeply in debt” Bernie Sanders says. However, instead of going for free, you can earn benefits to pay less for college. College is just too expensive save to be free for everyone.
The working-class people pay for college, leaving the one who goes for free, out of debt. It is actual dangerous to send people to college for free because the national debt is approaching about $20 trillion. Free college s in fact a lie because someone who is unwilling to pay must do it anyway. I think that people take advantage of college when it is free and don’t perform as well as one who must figure out a way …show more content…

Any amount that America can get is good. There are three main benefits. First, there is tuition subsides. Military tuition subsides give benefits o those in the military. Other tuition subsides just give eligible students benefits. Second, there is public loans. This forgives student debt. Lastly, there is living grants. This also forgives student debt. Some students in a four-year college do not need to pay as much because 1 in 5 students can earn the degree that they are working towards in as little as three years. “Believe it or not, lots of people change their majors and abandon their dreams just to avoid a couple of math classes in college.” Danica McKellar says. With benefits, you don’t have to pay the full amount, but what you do pay will still be