
Persuasive Essay Examples

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It is said “...life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you are going to get.” Since ancient times chocolate has been a delicacy used by the rich for celebrations, as it was an expensive luxury. It was not until the mid to late 1800s that chocolate became a common staple. As chocolate became widely available, shopkeepers advertise the product to convince the common people to buy and still are today and continue this successful practice today. Two examples of chocolate company advertisements come from Ulker and Whitman’s.Though the two companies are separately selling to women and men, both sell using pathos and exaggeration. The first chocolate advertisement is by Ulker, a Turkish manufacturing company. The first thing the viewer notices about the advertisement is how plain it is. Starting at the top, there is a sentence stating “Best Fix for Broken Hearts” the font style is bland and does not draw attention. In the middle, sits a chocolate bar with a …show more content…

Eating a chocolate bar can make you feel good for a little while, but this small piece of pured and sugared fruit will not solve any real life hardships. The producers want to lure customers in by promising this. Looking a little deeper, a consumer can see the relationship between the advertisement’s theme and a stereotypical breakup, where the girl is left in tears to indulge herself and become a glutton for sugar. Again, exaggeration and pathos are used here to convey such feelings, however untrue, but revealing the target audience to be emotional women. Continuing, the chocolate bar is in the middle of the page with a small corner broken off. This implies that the consumer should focus on the chocolate bar because you are broken, and, even though you are broken, this product can help you to “Discover the happiness”. The Ulker chocolate advertisement uses the persuasion technique of pathos, enabling the producers to lure buyers by false

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