
Persuasive Essay: Is Frankenstein Happening Today?

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Logan Carter Mrs. Wilson Advanced composition 4th period 15 December 2016 Is Frankenstein Happening Today? In many ways yes, one way is through GMOs. The creature was genetically made to fit Victors needs and wants much like GMOs are created today. Victor exemplifies the characteristics of GMOs through his story but proving that it is better to let nature be natural and not to tamper with it. GMOs have become modern day Frankenstein because of potential health risks, ethical considerations, and man made alterations. Through these serious and dangerous health altercations we learn more about what GMOs are actually going to do for future generations. GMOs stand for Genetically Modified Organisms which means an organism's DNA has been altered in a way that does not occur naturally by mating and/or natural recombination. Making changes to the organism's DNA or altering its natural appearance would make it a modern day Frankenstein. The first GMO Patent was issued in 1980 after a supreme court ruling of 5-4. This allowed the very …show more content…

One of the main reasons many people do not support GMOs is because they do not know what is being changed and if it is even healthy to consume. Due to gene splicing “ consumers have developed unexpected allergic reactions. Researchers used a gene from the Brazil nut to increase the production of Methionine in soya beans. The insertion of this gene inadvertently caused allergic reactions to the soya bean in those with known nut allergies, but no previous allergy to the soya bean”(macalester). At this point in time there is not enough research about what will happen to people after eating GMOs which scares many people. “The greatest danger lies not in the effects that we have studied, but in those which we cannot anticipate at this

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