Persuasive Essay On After High School

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In a world where an entire life could be based on the type of education received, there could be a lot of pressure riding on the career path chosen of a student. Common core has been put into place to get students to a college level and know the things they country thinks they need to know. In some parts of the United States, things are pushed farther than in other areas. For instance, students are being encouraged to start thinking about how to get into college when they are in middle school or even grade school as it is an essential to being successful at life. Some parents and educators believe this should not be enforced as the student will easily be burnt out. There are many opinions on this topic and both sides could easily be debated, however we should take into consideration that kids are kids, and should stay that way. The idea that elementary and middle school students should start thinking about college at that early of an age is absurd as they are still …show more content…

The number one most asked question by adults to any senior even in the earliest months of the school year will forever be, “What are your plans for after high school?” These very words can send shock and panic through some deer in the headlight students as they have never once had to think about their future. The stress load of a senior year is impeccable as scholarships start to stack up and the idea of college soon becomes a very quick reality. Early preparation is a good idea at the high school level; this way one might feel a little more prepared as the approach the senior year of getting bombarded with life questions. High school is a time to figure yourself out, so during this process, one could also keep in the back of their mind possible future endeavours, but not have it pounded into their