Persuasive Essay On Animal Testing

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Imagine a cute, fluffy, rabbit about to be used in a medical research project to determine if a new chemical is poisonous or hazardous to living creatures. Many people are opposed to companies that perform experiments on animals, because they believe it is animal abuse. Many companies worldwide use animals for beauty products, medical research, and science experiments. These poor animals that are used for experiments live for years. Everyday of their life these animals are poisoned with toxic chemicals, they are tortured their whole life. Animals should not be used in experiments for medical research. Many products that are sold in stores may have been tested on animal which could have either killed or seriously injured these defenseless, poor creatures. Some chemicals that we eat that are listed as ingredients on boxes of food were first tested on …show more content…

“Researchers are using monkeys to supposedly conduct research on AIDs” but, maybe people who already have the disease should volunteer to help out in the studies instead of the animals. “Animal experiments are not responsible for vaccines...” “Animal testing violates animals’ basic right and experiments conducted on them result in extreme and even torturous pain” How come animals are not responsible for the vaccines and new medicine? These poor animals are the ones being tested and they are a big part of the experimental process. The animals should be given all the credit for finding a cure for a disease. After all, the animals are the ones being tortured everyday of their life, not the scientist. A monkey was smart enough to be sent up into space before man and given credit for it. Now people are using them to conduct research on AIDs. When a cure is found, will the monkeys get the credit? Scientists nowadays are using most animal species around the world for research and experiments. When these animals should be pets and not test