Persuasive Essay On Australia Day

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Some people want it to happen, some wish it would happen and others make it happen. Australia Day, commemorated on January 26, is a national celebration honouring the First Fleet's settlement in 1788 and the unity of our country. While many Australians reap the benefits of the holiday, for many Indigenous Australians, January 26 marks the start of the barbaric displacement from their lands and the eradication of their traditions and dialects. This date must be modified as it is one of many days that can be Australia Day, it establishes acceptance to the plight of the Indigenous community and it is a reminder rather than a celebration.

Refusing to change the date of Australia day is unwise as it is one of many days that can be Australia Day. Recently, there has been a growing movement to change the date of Australia Day to one that is more inclusive for all Australians. Federation Day is an alternative that acknowledges Australia's history and founding as a nation. An opinion spoken by a news reporter shows …show more content…

By altering the date, it can help promote healing and reconciliation and allow acceptance. The deplorable carnage endured by the Indigenous has not been acknowledged, but instead, recompensed with a lack of respect and understanding. Why should this be allowed? Whilst some people beg to differ, this only further invalidates the Indigenous people’s feelings and beliefs, marginalising the Indigenous and thus, making them more prone to abuse. ‘It reminds me of the pain my own people had to endure,’ William Dawes expressed. Our nation has inflicted relentless bullying onto innocent souls, begging for respect by their own country. It is not too late to mend these souls and restore the respect they so rightfully deserve and desire for. To stitch the wounds of these hearts, injected by our own country’s actions, change the date of Australia date to accept the Indigenous