
Persuasive Essay On Drinking And Driving

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Driving is a huge part of the world we live in. From cars to trucks and everything else in between. For some people cars have always been a part of their life. Getting a driver’s license or passing a permit test is one of the biggest achievements in a teen’s life. When students and teens get be around 14 years old, they really start to think about driving. They see older teens driving and they know the time for them to begin that stage in life is near. So, parents buy their kids different books on driving to help them get started. Some teens take practice tests online and so when they become of age to take the permit test, they know what to expect. It’s condsidered easy for a student to take the test depending on where they live. They …show more content…

From parallel parking to 3-point turns, the teen will practice until they can take the test and do well. When they past the test, they are able to obtain a license. There are many things that parents can do to help their children when they start driving. They can start by setting a good example for their kids. From a young age, children are watching their parents drive, if parents exhibit a good example, they are more likely replicate it because children pick up on the parents’ habits. Another way parents can help is by instilling the value and the importance for things. For example, not texting while they are driving or teaching your child to wear a seat belt from a young age. These habits will stay with the child when they begin driving. There are so many different kinds of technology for parents to track and watch their child while they drive to make sure they are following all the rules and safety precautions. The progression of technology has allowed apps to be created that can detect if a child isn’t following safety precautions and these apps help the parent enforce the rules while they are still young so these habits do not carry into their adulthood. So, if parents take active roles in their their driving

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