Persuasive Essay On Gay Adoption

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Adoption has been around for many years, but recently the question of gay adoption has risen. There are a lot of orphans in the world but not enough families to take them in. There aren’t enough families who can and will adopt a child, either because they have children of their own or simply don’t want to. This is why some people support gay adoption, because there is a rising amount of open homosexual couples that want to adopt children, this used to be illegal but now with the Supreme Court’s decision it’s almost a reality.
There are many reasons why I think gay adoption shouldn’t be permitted, reason number one is that a child deserves to have a mom and a dad, not two moms or two dads. Also the child could have problems at school with other kids bullying them for having gay parents and not even have a saying on whether they like it or not. Another reason and a very simple one is that it is simply not normal, it doesn’t …show more content…

Among other things, mothers excel in providing children with emotional security and in reading the physical and emotional cues of infants. Obviously they also give their daughters unique counsel as they confront the physical, emotional, and social challenges associated with puberty and adolescence.
Whoever believes that everyone with a wish for a child should be entitled to one also believes that there is something like a right to have children. But there is no such thing. This is why adoption cannot be a right. Russian President Vladimir Putin was right to pass the controversial laws restricting gay rights. He assumes, just as I do, that marriage and adoption are not absolute rights. They are linked to certain conditions that are not fulfilled by same-sex couples. It is not about questioning the sexual orientation of people, it is about questioning the situations they are