Persuasive Essay On Iowa State University

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I have heard that you may be considering Iowa State University as you’re after high school education. I am so happy that I will be able to go the same school as some of you again joining, the amount I heard from my CA, 34,734 students! How could you not be excited about college? Of course there are many reasons why I decided to attend Iowa State. Even if it’s the learning communities that draw you in, the fact that maybe your parents came here, or maybe even ISU is your favorite sports team. Out of the endless reasons that I decided to come to Iowa State is that when I had my orientation I found this one place on campus that really made me feel like I wasn’t that far from home. It is a walking bridge behind the Memorial Union. The Memorial Union which, I heard from a teacher, was built in the early 1920s, is right by center campus and is a massive building with a water fountain out front. The fountain is called “Four Seasons” for which its’ name was given because of the four women in the fountain, all representing a season. When you go behind this building there is a walking bridge that goes over a creek. It is surrounded by many trees that just provide a very peaceful ambiance to the area. You can see many squirrels and chipmunks roaming around the area scavenging for food or chasing others of their kind. Looking down you can see …show more content…

For instance, freshman integration where everyone had to learn about different ecosystems. I personally have many good memories from this time in my life. It was a time that I was able to truly feel at peace and have no worries on life. I haven’t been able to feel this way in a very long time, but at this bridge it takes me to that time period and I start to feel more at ease. If I have ever started to feel stressed during college at least this bridge reminds me of home and fond memories making it very relaxing, so relaxing that I would dare to say it makes almost all of the stress and worries of college drain out of

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