Persuasive Essay On Legalizing Marijuana

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In today’s world, Cannabis is considered as a schedule one drug and this is a problem and it should be legalized and regulated by the federal government and state governments. As defined by the Drug Enforcement Marijuana is a substance that has a high potential of being abused by its users and has no acceptable medical uses.[1] This drug is in the schedule one category, which means it is the same category as Heroin and Crystal Meth. According to Merriam-Webster, the definition of Marijuana is “the dried leaves and flowering tops of the pistillate hemp plant that yield THC and are smoked in cigarettes for their intoxicating effect.” This definition may show how Marijuana is only used to for the mind altering and intoxicating effects of the …show more content…

Actually, ever since colorado has legalized marijuana for recreational use, the amount of fatal car accidents has gone down, says Radley Balko with The Washington Post, “The figures are similar in states that have legalized medical marijuana. While some studies have shown that the number of drivers involved in fatal collisions who test positive for marijuana has steadily increased as pot has become more available, other studies have shown that overall traffic fatalities in those states have dropped. Again, because the pot tests only measure for recent pot use, not inebriation, there’s nothing inconsistent about those results(Since Marijuana Legalization, Highway Fatalities in Colorado Are at Near-historic Lows 9).” See, the states that have legalized marijuana have had lower fatal car accidents even as the number of people driving in those states has even gone up like Colorado. Maybe Marijuana is actually positively effecting driving in the states where it is legal for recreational use. That’s another good reason to add to the many of positive reasons on why Cannabis should be legalized and regulated in every state as a