Persuasive Essay On Middle School

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School is a great place to learn and everything goes according to plan with no worries. If you believe this you are a complete and total idiot. The middle schools are normanly where things start to go wrong for most people. These are steps for staying as safe as you can be in a school. Don’t talk about politics, don’t try to be funny, and don’t draw attention. Politics is meant for adults, and we are not adults. Talking with someone about politics is really just an argument waiting to happen. Whenever politics are involved with something normal like on a television, it is no longer just something people stare at. Instead it is now about an hour of people yelling at each other, trying not to be judged by the public even though there is no way around being seen as someone who would kick cats and dogs out of their way, say that Justin Bieber is a good person, and leave the problem of world hunger. It has just become an insult to people, that’s why your ‘I’m supporting …show more content…

Those people have been diagnosed with the inability to shut up and make every sentence a joke. Unfortunately there is no cure for that, and the only way to make them stop is to get a bar of soap and shove it down their throat. It that doesn’t work keep doing it until the person goes into brain deadness. If you want to survive the school classroom battle ground never try to be funny or you will be chewed out so fast you won’t even notice how you ended up staring at a wall, then remembering how badly you got burned and had to be transferred to a hospital. Note: The term brain deadness means until the brain has completely disappeared from human anatomy and gives the subject the ability to stare at anything but not be able to do anything because their brain has vanished. That seems explanatory and doesn’t need to be discussed. For definition for specimen those, see page 394 in Why? A guide to all things that were