Persuasive Essay On Obama Care

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Health Insurance is pretty important to everyone in the country. Medical coverage covers the specific measure of cash to the protected individual upon a specific occasion, for example, hospitalization and surgery. If someone does not have health insurance and can not afford to take care of themselves it can take a big toll on their life. For those people who do not have health insurance there is something called the Affordable Care Act. The Affordable Care Act is a comprehensive health care reform law that was put into act in March of 2010, people know this commonly as Obamacare. The Affordable Care Act makes affordable health insurance available to more low-income people, expands coverage, hold insurance companies accountable, lower health …show more content…

Every man, woman and child in our country should be able to access the health care they need regardless of their income. We need a system that works not just for millionaires and billionaires, but for all of us. But for those people who can afford their own health insurance they can choose a variety of health insurance plans that fit their budget and have different levels of coverage depending on their needs.The size of your family doesn't necessarily determine what you spend on doctors and prescriptions. A healthy family of six could spend less than a family of 2 with chronic conditions. But when it comes to your health insurance costs, the number of people on a plan does affect what you pay for. So an insurance plan for yourself could be significantly smaller than one for a big family depending on the spending habits. But some other factors like wealth, occupation, and location could affect your insurance plan. Some jobs pay for your health insurance and your families insurance. Your job can definitely take a toll on your body, and your job can definitely influence your health care eligibility. If you do not have enough money you can not afford a plan or if you have an expensive plan it can take a big chunk of your