Persuasive Essay On Physician Assisted Death

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Should a terminally ill patient with only a few months left to live, dealing with excruciating pain, and unable to move from the hospital bed have a choice to end their life early? Depending on what state the patient is, that is most likely against the law. Physician-assisted death is illegal in the U.S in 45/50 states. Physician assisted death is when someone who is terminally ill and has been given six or fewer months to live makes a decision with help of a physician to end their life. Death with Dignity is a nonprofit organization that campaigns and advocates to expand the freedom of terminally ill Americans so they can decide their own fate. Death with Dignity, which was founded in 1993 has helped define and pass the Oregon Death with Dignity …show more content…

If someone is given 3 months to live, they don’t know exactly when they are going to pass, so their family members visiting might think they’ll see them at least once more before he/she passes away. If physician assisted death is allowed, the person will end their life sooner, so he/she could say their final goodbyes with 100% certainty that it will be the last. The patient could even be with his family and close friends in his final moments. The family and close friends have a chance to be there when …show more content…

If someone has a couple months to live, it isn’t known exactly when a person is going to die, just a date range. If PAD is legalized across America, any patient who chooses to die with physician assisted death, knows exactly when they will die. They can say their last words to anyone they choose to and choose to be with whoever when they pass. Also, if a special day is coming up like a birthday or anniversary, they could choose to live through that special day and have it be their last