Persuasive Essay On Syrian Civil War

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In the recent years, over 2 million Syrian refugees have fled their homes in the wake of the Syrian Civil War. According to the UN, this exodus has been the largest recorded in the world. Many refugees have fled to surrounding European countries such as Turkey, Lebanon, France and now the United States. This topic or crisis has become so prevalent only in the last few years. It all precipitated when anti-government demonstrations began in 2011. This began as a peaceful protest, but soon escalated after the government crackdown. Many protesters rebelled against the regime which led to the civil war that killed 220,000 people (Mercy Corps). Opinions have changed over time about this surrounding issue in the last year. Syrian refugees should not be admitted into the country because they can drastically impact the economy, potentially cost the U.S a lot of money, and pose security threats to the U.S. …show more content…

With the population increasing more people's jobs are at stake, which can lead to a recession. “Taking in hundreds or thousands of refugees can cause an economic or social change. Letting in Christian European is not a simple matter” (“Refugees Crisis”). Many republicans and a certain percentage of the U.S population is skeptical about admitting Syrian refugees. For example, republican front runners Trump and Cruz. “Twenty-six European countries are currently part of the Schengen Area, including many, but not all, EU nations” (“Refugees Crisis”). A study was shown that 80 percent of the population of Syria lived in poverty while the other 20 lived without the ability to receive basic food necessities for their homes. This caused the decrease of the Syrian Government by 30%. If the U.S were to accept these refugees, it could really negatively impact the economy and increase the country’s