Persuasive Essay On Syrian Refugees

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As you may know, there has been a recent complication with the staggering amount of Syrian refugees attempting to escape into other countries. Trying to flee from their homeland as soon as they could, in order to avoid being caught in a crossfire of a war that could not only harm them, but also their loved ones as well. While they were abandoning their homes -filled with not only their possessions, but their memories as well- they only carried the clothes on their backs along with a few things to help them on their journey to another place, a safe haven, to start anew. But some countries refuse to take in the refugees. Some of them fear that if they let the Syrians in and live amongst them that they’ll start a ruckus and commit crimes, over populate -giving an opportunity to take over-, try to make it an Islamic country, and that they will cause our social system to collapse. But that is not the case. It would most likely have the complete opposite effect. If we were to take in the Syrian refugees then, it would not only benefit them but our economy as well. Doing so will help us because they could be potential geniuses. And this will bring more money into our social system than they will take from it. So we need to help the Syrians not only because it’s morally right but also because it’s favorable for both sides. …show more content…

A video created by a YouTuber named, Kurzgesagt,” When allowed to work, they tend to start businesses and integrate themselves into the workforce as fast as possible, paying more into the social system than they extract from