Persuasive Essay On Illegal Immigration

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Right now, California has 107,419 pending immigration cases, and the average wait time for each case is 659 days. Georgia has a fewer amount of cases at 18,126, yet the wait time is still 613 days (Berenson). One of the biggest questions dividing Americans today is one dealing with immigration: should illegal immigrants be able to become legal? Opposers say everyone has to follow the law and that immigration is no different. Advocates say immigrants are what make our country so diverse and unique, and therefore should be able to become legal at any time. Maybe the first question we should be asking ourselves is: why are there so many illegal immigrants in the first place? Is the process too hard? Is the state of surrounding countries so terrible …show more content…

“In Venezuela you have to put

three or four locks on your doors. You have to put up an electric fence just to feel safe in your own house, but hardly anyone can afford that” (Sanchez). Sanchez also spoke about the hospitals being so poor that they can’t help anyone. The point is, the countries that immigrants are fleeing from are in terrible conditions, and many believe they shouldn’t be punished for trying to raise their family in a better environment. Sanchez summed it up well: “I think it’s pretty simple. Anyone who comes here wants a better future for themselves and for their family. The other country has too much troubles.”

Illegal immigration is a huge issue today that is dividing Americans. Everyone can agree on that. The issue of allowing illegal immigrants to become legal is one that has many sides. However, illegal immigrants should have the opportunity to become legal like everyone else. If America fixed the system, illegal immigration would go down. Immigrants wouldn’t have to be so afraid and wouldn’t have to wait two or more years to simply find out if they can stay. Fixing the immigration system to not be so long and expensive, and having a government that is open to helping people in need, would decrease the issue by a large margin. After all, immigrants make a diverse culture and society for this