
Persuasive Essay On Illegal Immigration

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For many, many years illegal immigrants have been a rising problem for the country. They come from numerous different countries to create a new life for the better. However, when they come they often start families and have children. At this point, it would be heartless to separate the child from his/her parents, just because of a mistake the parents made. For the past 10 years, the amount of illegal immigrants in the US has increased plenty in number. Right now, illegal immigrants make up about 3.5% of America’s population. More than half of those immigrants are Mexicans, but others come from Central America, Asia, and South America. However, these percentages of illegal immigrants make up about 5.1% of America’s labor force. They have spread out all over the country, but are more common in the states of Arizona, California, and Texas. The solution I have in mind consists of three options. 1) Any undocumented immigrants who have children born here should not be immediately sent back to their country, but instead be provided an asylum as long as they pay a penalty fee for 5 years, 2) The …show more content…

My reasons are: 1) It causes psychological issues for the child, and a struggling lifestyle without his/her parents, 2) It causes an increase in foster care which is more cost, and unnecessary because the child has parents. There are countless heartbreaking stories on how a child gets separated from his/her parents because they were illegal immigrants. This solution makes it easier for the immigrants and their families to live here peacefully without the trouble of being sent back, as long as they pay the penalty fee. It also saves the society on a lot of money as it prevents the use of foster care for the children. As the 14th amendment states that no state shall “deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the

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