Persuasive Essay On Syrian Refugees

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In the last years Europe was the destination of many immigrants, almost all of them coming from Syria. The influx of refugees that came to Europe only in summer of 2015 was the highest one since World War II. The high number of Muslim Syrians becoming part of EU population may bring various problems such as the change in demographical structure, “Islam”, crime and the collapse of social systems. Thus, should EU embrace Syrian immigrants into its wealthy population and prosperous social and economic system? Factors that led to the creation of the problem: Arab Spring was a political revolutionary wave of protests where most of the Arab countries shot down their dictators. However, the Syrian authoritarian regime of the Assad …show more content…

Thus, immigrants seek the easiest passing border of EU to enter so that later they can move whichever Schengen country that is the most lenient to them. So, Schengen area “ensures” refuges that they can move freely within EU once they are granted by a particular country with the right to stay or work.
The Muslim Syrian Immigrants Number is very high
On one hand, the migrating Muslim Syrians number towards Europe approaches a million. On the other hand, Muslim people seem to be bad at assimilation in other countries, especially in European countries, meaning that they are not able to adopt in the new foreign culture. Moreover, the children of Muslim immigrants seem to be more radical than others. So, there is a potential that terrorism would expand its roots also in Europe. Islamic culture
The high number of refugees being accepted in European cultural society would be another problem. Europe, known for its Western and peaceful orientation, would not be as such if it accepts nearly a million Syrian migrants. In addition, birthrates at Middle-East and Muslim World in general are relatively high whereas ion Europe it is almost negative. This would just increase the ratio of Muslims in Europe. The consequence would be very apparent in demographical changes both in ethnical and cultural