Persuasive Essay On Syrian Refugees

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Syrian refugees should not be accepted due to the fact it cost too much money, spread the fear of terrorism and may cause overcrowding in the eastern states. Accepting Syrians may even cause civil problems within the United States.
Accepting Syrian refugees and settling them will cost too much money that should be spent within the U.S. For example “In Cleveland, for example, local refugee services agencies spent about $4.8 million in 2012 as they helped refugees get established in the area according to a study conducted by Chmura Economics & Analytics. But the economic impact those refugees had on the community weighed in at about $48 million, roughly 10 times the initial resettlement costs” Text 4 (Soergel 4) This shows that accepting Syrian refugees will cost too much money that should be spent within the United States not on refugees. If one refugee service is spending 48 million times that by how many refugee services are around and you will see all the money that is being spent towards the refugees.
Also another example of the U.S spending too much money is “The U.S. spent more than $1 billion to settle 70,000 refugees to the country during the …show more content…

For example “the U.S. will take on 85,000 refugees in the fiscal year 2016, which starts in October, and 100,00 Syrian refugees in 2017, up from a current annual total of 70,00” Text#(Danner 1) This shows that accepting that many syrians may cause overcrowding due to the fact they are poor and may not have the money to move immediately. Also many people may be prejudice towards Syrians. Also Another article states “ The U.S. Committee for Refugees and Immigrants a private group, proposes a larger target: 100,000 Syrian Refugees by the end of next year” Text#(chapman 3) This shows that with adding more Syrians per year will cause overcrowding in the U.S. Also by accepting more and more each year would also cause