Persuasive Essay On Texting And Driving

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Cell phone use has caused 1.6 million crashes this year. To make it even more realistic for you, 11 teenagers die each day due to texting and driving (Snyder). Cell phones are becoming a more important part of society. In the last couple years, there has been a huge concern from the use of texting while driving. Parents and teenagers these days don’t realize how much technology, especially phones, has had on the impact of drivers. Drivers should not text and drive because it is linked to a huge number of car accidents, it causes drivers to completely lose focus on surroundings, and it’s worse than drinking and driving. Distracted driving is the leading cause of accidents, and even more specifically texting and driving is the leading cause of car accidents (NHTSA). 94 percent of teens admit to the dangers of texting and driving, but 35 percent of them admitted to doing it anyway (Snyder). “Texting and driving increases the risk of a crash by a factor of four” (Morton). Some might say why aren’t the parents doing anything or enforcing anything so that these teenagers don’t text and drive. A survey showed that “69% of parents who have …show more content…

In a recent study results showed that those who occupied themselves in text messages had slower reaction times by 35 percent. Drunk drivers displayed a decrease reaction time by 21 percent (TRL). Not having both eyes on the road means a greater likelihood of drifting to other lanes and potentially putting other drivers in danger. In another study done by Wayne State University, they used beer goggles to compare drunk driving to texting and driving. This study confirms past reports that texting impairs driving performance. Moreover, the effects of texting on driving are dramatically worse when vision has been moderately impaired by beer goggles