Persuasive Essay On The Book 1984 By George Orwell

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“In any case, to wear an improper expression on your face (to look incredulous when a victory was announced, for example) was itself a punishable offense (Orwell 60).” Governments should never reach this level of control over their citizens. Controlling the facial expressions of your people by threatening them with punishment is overstepping your boundaries as a government. Governments like the one in North Korea and the government in 1984 by George Orwell are guilty of this. However, governments should not give their citizens complete freedom. There needs to be laws in place that deter people from committing crimes such as murder and theft. Governments need to find a balance between controlling every aspect of their citizens’ lives and letting the citizens do whatever they want, regardless of whether or not they are hurting the people around them. There are governments that choose to govern their people this way. The government in the United States of America give their citizens enough freedom while having enough control to keep the majority of their citizens in order. …show more content…

In this society, the citizens are divided into inner party members, outer party members, and proles. Your rank factors into the amount of control the government has over you. The proles typically have more freedom than the high members of society. They aren’t constantly watched or forced to follow a strict schedule, but their freedom unknowingly controls them. Their freedom convinces them that everything is okay. They either do not realize the terrible conditions they live in or they don’t care. This stops them from revolting against their government. This fictional over-controlling government is an example of how governments should not treat their

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