Persuasive Essay On Thistle Farm

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Sex trafficking is a major problem today all around the world. Many people do not understand where the problem is coming from, but it starts when you are little and continuously gets worse (Thistle Farms). Many women that are prostitutes have endured some kind of trauma to lead them to believe that they are not worthy (Thistle Farms). If people do not grow up in a stable environment with love and affection they may never feel like they are good enough and then resort to pimps to make them feel needed. This results in poverty because the woman will never be able to find a real job and the cycle will continue to the next generation feeling unloved and not worthy. Lori came from sexual abuse and having no self-esteem or self-worth, so she thought the best she could do was sex trafficking (Thistle farms). Lori would walk the streets without shoes so she could find someone that would pay for her services, so she could buy drugs. After being on …show more content…

Thistle Farms works with women that have been in and out of jail. They provide them a drug free environment, and a legal job so they know they can do something better in their lives. They show the women love and let them understand what caused them to live on the streets so they can fix the problem. Once they figure out where the source of trauma came from they will be able to move forward in their life. My Life My Choice helps adolescents that have been sexual exploited by giving them a survivor that has been through the same thing they are going through. They work with the youth to show them that they have a voice and that they can eliminate sexual exploitation. These organizations are very different but they are still trying to help the individuals feel like they are worthy. They show them that they are loved and that they can get through this mess and come out on