Persuasive Essay On Transgender People

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A 29 year old man has sadly been turned away from a specialist’s practice for being a transgender male. Even though, he has transitioned to a male, he still requires routine pap smears and other gynecological care. He is told that the doctors will not serve his needs and turned him away. He went to the emergency room because he has experienced an asthma attack. The doctor had seen him and had called his other colleagues to “come look at this”. When he was registering himself to the hospital, a woman was mortified to hear that there was a transgender male checking himself into the hospital, and had immediately left. Is this fair to the young man? Many people have rejected transgender people because they think that it is “weird or unnatural”. Other beings decide to support transgender people and do not mind their decisions and treat them as regular people. There are incidents that have happened in the past involving the laws that help people that despise transgender people. As there are more incidents of violence occurring, it …show more content…

It will solve many problems and help a great deal of people. New laws will provide protection to transgenders that are in need. They will be served medically and will not be rejected by doctors just because of their gender identity. They will be granted to use the bathroom without issue, as long as their intentions are pure. Transgenders will be allowed to ride the bus without having to get checked and possibly being denied the access of going on the train. Rights that people did not have before, will be given and it will be a more peaceful community. Nevertheless, a solution to the mistreat that has been happening to the LGBT community and many more is to have more laws defending transgenders. The laws will allow people to have rights that they never could have and give them a chance at having a regular life without being