Persuasive Essay On Year Round School

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Having school go year round is not any more beneficial than just going the required nine months. During the summer months, students will be preoccupied with many activities, including sports and jobs. They will likely start to fall behind in all of their classes due to missing school days with these events. Then, they become lazy and start failing classes. In the near future, these students may begin thinking about dropping out. In additional, attending school year round will cost more. The push to go to school for an entire year is unnecessary and does not benefit the students in anyway.
Summer is one of the busiest times for high school students. There are sports, such as baseball and softball, and camps that they want to participate in. Many find jobs lasting all break. This is also the optimal time for families to go on vacations, and school during this time would result in …show more content…

Some students will choose to not go to college. Because this is their first job, they will have a hard time with it. Soon these people will be getting low paying jobs that will not support their families. Tax payers in the US will have to support these people which is a waste of money when being compared to building new schools for others, which is actually needed.
When school is year round, students do not retain any more information than a regular school year. During the summer, students will have their minds on other things and not concentrate as much. In a 2007 study, Ohio State University sociologist Paul Von Hippel found that “over a 12-month period, children learn about as much in year-round schools as in schools using a nine-month calendar” (The Boston Globe 1). It is a waste of time for students and teachers to go to school for twelve solid months and not learn any more than just going to school the required