Physical And Health Education Curriculum: Cross-Canada Perspectives

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In her article "Physical & Health Education Curriculum: Cross-Canada Perspectives," Moira D. Luke (2000) reports that Departments of education have supplied guides to assist teaching and implemented different programs for physical and health education. These physical and health education guides have changed overtime through the development of curriculum packages and their distribution to schools. The current status of physical and health education curricula across Canadian provinces, thus, acts as a reflection of these changes in physical and health education curriculum.

The curriculum in British Columbia (BC) consists of three documents from Kindergarten to Grade 12 with the aim to facilitate students to enhance their life quality through active living. The core framework of the curriculum (Active Living, Movement, and Personal and Social Responsibility) addresses both the physical well-being, movement concepts, and interpersonal skills of the students to provide a balance between physical and social aspects. Dance activity, as part of the curriculum, is also introduced along with healthy living topics such as nutrition, safety and emotional well-being as part of Personal Planning program. …show more content…

Frequent threads that interlace through the revised Saskatchewan Curriculum documents are common essential learning to enhance communication, social and creative thinking, adaptive dimension that suggests general guidelines and practical considerations, and resource-based learning and library resource centers. Although the concept of active living emerged in the early 1980s, this is the first Saskatchewan curriculum document to provide teacher with flexibility around the idea of what constitutes physical fitness or physical