Piaget And Vygotsky: Two Reflectivist Learning Theories

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The work of constructivist theorists, notably Piaget and Vygotsky, identified two constructivist learning models, which are: individual constructivism, which states that knowledge is constructed from personal experience by the individual, and social constructivism, which declares that knowledge, is acquired through collaboration with meaning negotiated from multiple perspectives (Almala, 2006)

Piaget is known as the first constructivist, asserts that the theory of constructivism emphasis on the process of finding a theory or knowledge that is built from the ground realities. The role of teachers in teaching according this theory is as a facilitator or moderator. The views of the children of the more recent constructivist developed …show more content…

In the face of new stimuli or experiences a person cannot assimilate new experiences with schemas that already held. The new experience could be totally incompatible with existing schemas. In such circumstances, people will hold the accommodation. Accommodation occurs to form a new scheme that matches the stimulation of new or modify existing schemes so that it matches with the stimulus.

Equilibration is a mechanism that Piaget proposed to explain how children shift from one stage of thought to the next (John W, 2011). Equilibration is a balance between assimilation and accommodation while disequilibrium is a situation where the imbalance between assimilation and accommodation, equilibration can make someone brings together the experience beyond the inner structure.

Another notable constructivist is Vygotsky. Vygotsky's work is based on two main ideas. First, intellectual development can be understood only when viewed from a historical and cultural context of the child's experience. Second, the development relies on systems of signaling refers to the symbols created by culture to help people think, communicate and solve problems, thus the cognitive development of children requires a system of cultural communication and learning to use these systems to streamline the process of self …show more content…

o e.g. teaching science based on cognitivism or constructivism o e.g. teaching social science topics based on cognitivist or constructivist principles

There are various constructivist methods of teaching that can be implemented in the class room to enhance students learning process. I will be sharing few of the methods that I will implement in my class room while having my tutorials. Prior to my tutorial, students would have attended my lecture on respective topic or lesson. When they come to tutorial, they already have a basic idea on the topic going to be covered during tutorial. Topics used for the tutorial is Human Trafficking. The methods are as follow:

Sample 1
Case Study on Human Trafficking

About 20 students from engineering faculty involved in the tutorial. I will provide a case study on human trafficking for each and every student. I will ask them the form about 4 groups where each group will have about 5 students. Case study given to them will contain enough information for them to figure any solutions and how to use them in the real similar