Planned Parenthood Research Paper

233 Words1 Pages
22 people strongly agreed that the government should fund Planned Parenthood and 54 strongly disagreed with this claim. 40 people somewhat agreed and 42 somewhat disagreed. There were 42 neutral people who didn’t have a view on whether the government should or should not fund Planned Parenthood. In all 62 people agreed and 96 disagreed. 28.4% of the men who answered agreed and 12.2% of them strongly agreed. 48.9% of men disagreed and 25.6% of them strongly disagreed. 20% of men were neutral on the topic. Of the 30.9% women who, agreed 10% of them strongly agreed and of the 47.3% who disagreed 28.1% strongly disagreed. 21.8% of women were neutral on the topic. More African Americans and Hispanics disagreed than agreed. More Asians agreed than

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