Play Based Learning Essay

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Case study three response emphasis on Ms Nancy her activities are the suitable practice for her Kindergarten children and does not matter if children do not appreciate her teaching method. Significant elements emphasised is the relation between students and Ms Nancy. Furthermore, teaching pedagogy ofMs Nancy, mistakable missing an essential part of the use of play-based learning in her kindergarten class.

Significantly, Ms Nancy importantly needs to reflect on her relationships with her kindergarten children. Bronfenbrenner’s theory highlights the importance of encouraging relationships with the children's and their families. Bronfenbrenner’s second stage of Ecological Systems Theory, Mesosystem where Ms Nancy categories result to a significant …show more content…

Strategies to use role model and support positive interactions (pp. 163-166). Firstly, non-verbal communications are the key to creating positive interactions. Secondly, body position we use our eye contact with the child’s level and maintain contact, facial expressions mirror and imitate the child’s facial expressions, or body language facing the child with welcoming arms (Bentham, 2011, pp. 163-166). Bentham (2011) emphasise, the importance of speaking slowly in an appropriate voice that matches the emotions of the child (pp. 163-166. That we recognised are our non-verbal messages matching our verbal messages, reliable and valuable assistance (Bentham, 2011, pp. …show more content…

Fundamental of teaching is a pedagogy that states an essential principle is the significance of play based education (Wood, 2004, as cited Barblett, Knaus, & Barratt-Pugh, 2016, p. 37). Play based learning define where children’s desire participates in experiences based on their fascinations, strengths and advancing skills (Cole, 2012). Marbina, Church and Tayler (as cited, Barblett, Knaus, & Barratt-Pugh, 2016, p. 37). Clarify that emphasise of play based learning is extensively acknowledged in education. Huisman (2014) stress the importance of open-ended play more freedom and less organisation (p. 466). The outcome of open-ended play entirely develops children. Influences physical, social, emotion and cognitive (Huisman, 2014, p. 466). It is apparent researchers have correlated between structured and open end plays the children development from open are more beneficial (Huisman, 2014, p.