Podcast: The Pros Of Running An Online Business

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Today’s episode is one that you must listen if you have intentions to start your blog, online business, YouTube channel, or basically any online venture be it now or in the future.
After seeing all the “make money online” and “start your online business” marketing and hype that people are throwing out there, I decided to create this to share some of the realities of running an online business that most (if not all) do not talk about today, or at best very scantly touch on as they paint a very fancy picture of the riches and freedom to be gained online.

This episode is longer than usual but that’s because it’s packed full of insider tips. In short, the online marketing / blogging / “start your online business” / “lifestyle design” circuit has become more like a Ponzi scheme, and I share many tips to put you on the right track. If you have no intentions of starting a blog / online business / YouTube channel / etc., then this episode won’t be relevant to you — simply skip it. But if you know any friend/family member who is planning to enter the online arena, please, share this podcast with them. You may well save them many, many months of pain, time wasted, and running around in circles. …show more content…

The evolution of the web from 1990s to early 2000s, to mid-2000s and late 2000s, and to present stage